Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Resumes, Cover Letters and Applications, Oh My!

Let The Write Ink help find your muse!
E-mail for help with resumes and cover letters,

Are you dreaming about a new job? Starting fresh? Finding a new opportunity?

Don't let the task of writing a resume, cover letter, or filling out a job application stand in your way. Even if you have something down on paper, a few twists and tweaks can make a resume and/or cover letter go from good to great, and give you the job opportunity of a lifetime. And let's face it: In this economy, a "great" resume is a necessity in any job search.

To create a resume from scratch, start writing down anything relevant that a possible employer may need to know, including where you've worked, what you did in each job, what honors you received and what skills you've acquired. Don't worry about format or style or fonts just yet; instead, brainstorm every single little thing about your working life. Include all volunteer positions and charitable work. Add information on education, whether it was an entire degree or a class in your chosen field. And don't forget dates!

Once everything is down on paper, check out the Internet for examples of different resume styles. Take the information from your brainstorming session and start to organize your information into a resume style.

Once you have your information plugged into your new resume, check it over. Look for punctuation and grammar errors; consider word choices. Edit information down so that the resume is a manageable size. It also may be a good idea to transform your real resume into one suited for a particular job with particular skills. And don't forget to have a pair of extra eyes look it over!

The Write Ink is helpful with this last step -- I can help you proofread, rewrite sections, create a different resume for a particular job, streamline a long resume, or give general consultation on how to word particular passages. Contact Kellie at for more information.

Having a current resume on hand is helpful for when opportunity arises. Be sure to keep a copy saved on your home computer to update regularly with all your accomplishments. Make your resume a solid reflection of who you are and what you have accomplished, and you can be a shining star in a sea of applicants.

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